Answer :
20 Clear, focused, interesting ideas with appropriate detail Evident main idea with some support which may be general or limited Main idea may be unclear; supporting detail is vague or off topic Central idea or theme is not stated; supporting detail may be nonexistent
20 Strong organization; seamless paragraph transitions; Effective and Engaging intro and conclusion Organization is appropriate but conventional; Attempt at introduction and conclusion Attempts at organization, inappropriate use of lists or bullets; introduction and conclusion are not developed No introduction or conclusion; no clear organizational framework or transitions
Sense of Audience
20 Appropriate to audience; Expressive, engaging, sincere Voice is appropriate to topic, but Inconsistent or dry Voice may be inappropriate; writing may seem mechanical Writer’s voice is inappropriate or nonexistent
Word Choice
10 Broad range of descriptive words; Creative examples and vivid details and images Language is functional and appropriate; descriptions may lack detail or be overdone Words may be correct but simplistic; no attempt at detail, description, or examples Word choice is limited, words are often misused, supporting detail and examples are nonexistent
20 1)Easy flow and rhythm; 2)speaks loud enough to be heard, 3)enunciates, 4)proper posture, and 5)eye contact Missing or weak in 1 element Missing or weak in 2 elements Missing or weak in 3 or more elements
Technical Support 10 Strong use of digital media and visual displays to enhance the presentation Appropriate use of digital media and visual displays to enhance presentation Digital media and visual displays are present, but simply repeat ideas without providing further understanding The media may have frequent errors or not clearly support the main ideas of the presentation