Please read and reflect...

There are Universal Values for all peoples in the world. The main ones are Trustworthiness; Respect; Responsibility; Fairness; Caring and Citizenship. You can research this more at this LINK.

Norman Rockwell, a famous American Painter, created a seminal work in a painting called "The Golden Rule". Please go to this link and take a strong look at this painting and the wide variety of peoples and cultures depicted there. GO HERE and HERE TOO to check out the painting and Rockwell's purpose for painting this masterpiece.

Rockwell stated ::

I’d been reading up on comparative religion. The thing is that all major religions have the Golden Rule in Common. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Not always the same words but the same meaning.–Norman Rockwell, The Norman Rockwell Album.

Please read and consider the examples of the Golden Rule found in other cultures, then answer the question.

"Do not do to others what you would not like yourself. Then there will be no resentment against you, either in the family or in the state.” - Confucianism
"Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.” - Buddhism
"No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.” - Islam
What similarities are there between different versions of the Golden Rule? What universal characteristics are being discussed and why are they important in creating a compassionate and caring world? Explain your answer in a short paragraph.

Answer :


I wrote this myself and got a high grade! I hope it helps. Edit it as you please, I couldn't find my original so I rewrote it so it may be rushed sorry.


The golden rule is one rule multiple people know from different cultures and religions. It is such a big thing, that if someone asked you what the golden rule was, most people would most likely be able to state it off the top of their head. Of course, not all cultures would state it the same way, but all of them have the same meaning to them in one important way. 'Do not treat people you yourself would not want to be treated,' is something they all state in different ways. This means that just like you wouldn't like to be shoved, you shouldn't shove other people. This is one thing all the examples above have in common.