Write an argumentative essay for or against viewing sports figures and celebrities as positive role models.

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Answer :


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Why Athletes Are Good Role Models

We have long admired athletes and their efforts towards the  goal of winning. We idolize them and want us to be like them. What if they realize that they too are human  and  some of them become greedy and selfish? Many athletes are exemplary citizens who truly deserve respect, but there are also some bad people who ruin everyone's lives. Athletes can inspire young people to work hard for their hard work to pay off, but no one is pure and perfect. Greed takes some players, but  we shouldn't give them all  our attention. You should take a look at  

Shaquille O'Neill, who bought more than 1000 turkeys and donated them for Thanksgiving to  families  across the country in need. I've never heard of any mention of this in the news. With their propaganda, they make you believe that all athletes are bad people. We'd have a different opinion on this hard-working athlete if they had half the time to cover a good story on how to construct a bad one.

Michael Jordan has started a foundation that donates money for research to help physically challenged children. He has been running up the tabs at

Atlantic City casinos, but who hasn't gambled? We are not perfect. Michael may gamble, but he does his share of helping and works hard for what he has acquired.

Gambling is no crime, so then he is not showing us a negative thing. If his parents do not approve of his gambling, it should be banned because he has done nothing wrong. Michael, like any other athlete, realizes that millions of people are constantly watching him and tries to act accordingly.

In a recent NBA interview with Charles

Barkley, he was very controversial about his remarks that he was a parent rather than a role model. He says his parents shouldn't blame an athlete for not being able to control their  children. Another person who agrees with this view is soccer and basketball star Deion Sanders.


Hey, I know its way too late but this guy literally plagarized from a website.


Let me give you a good response and it took me some time to make not the best make. Im leaving this for others.

Celebrities/sports figures are not ideal role models because they are sometimes associated with negative behavior. Some celebrities/sports figures have created disruptions on a number of occasions. Another reason it isn't a good idea to look at celebrities/sports figures as role models is that many celebrities have very young fans, and they are well aware of this fact.

 But it doesn't stop them from acting in ways that their younger fans can't see. While they are not compelled to act like saints, they do take some responsibility for the picture they present. One of the final reasons why celebrities or sports figures should not be looked up to as role models is that you do not know what they are capable of. You believe they are a good person until they do something awful, and finding out that your role model isn't who they appear to be would be devastating. Finally, it is preferable if your model is someone you know well. In conclusion, the behavior of celebrities and sports figures is often associated with bad behavior, violence, and a variety of other unacceptable behaviors, making them poor role models. Children look up to them, so it would be unacceptable if they did something bad that they saw their role models do.