Round 681,858 to the nearest hundred thousand

Answer :



Step-by-step explanation:

So really, in this question, all you care about is the 10,000ths place

The 10,000ths place in this number is 8. Since 8 is greater that four, round up to 700,000



Step-by-step explanation:

Round off all the numbers after the first number

If rounded off and the number closest to the first no is 5 and above, it automatically approximates the next number to its left.

Example: 681,858

The last no is 8, it therfeore approximates 5, thereby changing it to a 6

After being changed to a 6, it approximates the next no to its left, 8, turning it into a 9, nine approximates 1, turns it to a 2, two can't approximate, it's below 5, move on to 8, eight approximates 6 turning it to a 7, that's how I got my 700,000.