A popular news magazine has run an article on the candidates for the latest election. In the article they carefully explain the candidates platforms and what they believe in. In order to get a gauge on who they think will win the election they ask the readers to go to a website and click on whom they plan on voting for in the election. They ensure that you can only vote once from the computer by recording the IP address.This method of voting causes a lot of bias in the selection process.

All of the reasons below are ISSUES with this type of selection process except:

A. Using different devices (computer, iPad, etc) some people vote more than once.

B. Some people vote on any survey they find without giving thought to the issue.

C. Many people won't take the time to got to the website, so only those who feel very strongly in favor of one go and vote

D. People read the article and determine which candidate most aligns with their beliefs and then go to the website and select that candidate.