Answer :
Question 1 Answer
In my Opinion the neighboring area with Tall, deciduous trees (Urban Area) is different from the other neighboring area (Rural Area) is because the population of people living at the Urban Area is minor or few to compare with the Rural Areas. In the Urban Areas they lack social amenities for day to day activities and in other to provide these amenities it requires demolition of trees to use for building(houses, schools, church, boats), uprooting of useful plants to be used in manufacturing drugs for treatment, cutting or clearing of forest or bushes in other to build roads, hunting of wild animals to reduce wild attacks and also used in production of hides and skin, hunting of domestic animals to use as pets or social amusement(Zoo)
In my Opinion the neighboring area with Tall, deciduous trees (Urban Area) is different from the other neighboring area (Rural Area) is because the population of people living at the Urban Area is minor or few to compare with the Rural Areas. In the Urban Areas they lack social amenities for day to day activities and in other to provide these amenities it requires demolition of trees to use for building(houses, schools, church, boats), uprooting of useful plants to be used in manufacturing drugs for treatment, cutting or clearing of forest or bushes in other to build roads, hunting of wild animals to reduce wild attacks and also used in production of hides and skin, hunting of domestic animals to use as pets or social amusement(Zoo)