I need help writing a poem about identity for language this is what I have so far
I remember a time when I was a free little girl
I had no worries and felt happy
But then school came and with it the worries
and the insecurities
and the doubt
and the pressure to succeed
ands before I knew it the happiness was gone
I remember never caring how I looked before
But as I got older that's what life was all about
I thought
are my thighs too fat?
Am I too short?
Is my butt big enough?
Should I wear more makeup?
But then my thoughts changed and were all about HER
would I look better if i wore the same clothes as her
would people like me more if I talked like her
if I walked like her
if only I LOOKED like her

Can you please revise my poem and add stylistic elements to it and tell me what stylistic elements you used please.

Answer :


This is actually really awesome!! I was surprised because I write free verse poems and usually I never see someone who writes the way I do. I think it's really good, but if you feel like it's not good enough you can change it. Also, I could give you some lyrics to a song I wrote about insecurity+anxiety+not fitting in if you are required to write a rhyming poem... Your poem is awesome tho!!!



This is really good! maybe after the line "But then school came and with it the worries" you should take out the word "and" from the next 4 lines :

But then school came and with it the worries

the insecurities

the doubt

the pressure to succeed

before I knew it the happiness was gone


I think its flows better that way

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