what are the pros and cons of going to a party where alcohol may be served

Answer :

I think there is NO pros at all because if there is ALCOHOL then there is going to be drunk people then say swear words,do bad stuff, and probably wreak the party.(also there is plague so it's a bad idea to go to a party then you will get infected).But if you act smart then you wouldn't go.You can make your own party make the party clean without alcohol because parties with alcohol are dirty with crazy people in it.So the best decision to not end up having a horrible day is not go to the alcohol party.

Hope this helps :)

Pro: Making “Friends” and hanging out.

Con: Embarrassing picture of you online and photos from the event.

Con: Not safely able too get home (drunk driving) Company Drivers can do something horrible.

Con: Risk of harm and chances of getting sexually assaulted.

Con: Drinking and not knowing the consequences.

Drinking itself is not okay but it isn’t bad.
If you drink too much you will face the consequences. Not much pros but I hope this helps.