Answer :
A headache can affect any part of the head, and pain may be present in one or several locations.
Headaches can cause various types of pain, and classifying the pain can help a doctor reach a diagnosis.
Doctors also categorize headaches based on whether an underlying health condition is responsible for the pain. In other words, a headache may be primary or secondary, the International Headache Society This is a common form of primary headache. The pain usually arises gradually, in the middle of the day.
A person may feel:
as if they have a tight band around their head
a constant, dull ache on both sides of the head
pain spreading to or from the neck
Tension-type headaches may be:
Episodic: These attacks usually last for a few hours, though they can last for several days.
Chronic: This involves tension-type headaches occurring on 15 or more days per month for at least 3 months.
Learn more about tension-type headaches.
A migraine headache may involve pulsating, throbbing pain. It often occurs on one side of the head but may switch sides.
During an episode, a person may also experience:
sensory disturbances, such as changes in vision, known as an aura
sensitivity to light or sound
nausea, possibly with vomiting
Migraine headaches are the second most common form of primary headache. They can significantly impact the quality of life.
A migraine episode may last from a few hours to 2–3 days. The frequency of episodes can vary greatly; they may occur from once a week to once a year.
Learn more about migraine.
Medication overuse headache
This was once known as a rebound headache. It occurs if a person uses medication to treat headaches too often.
Medication overuse headaches tend to result from taking opiate-based medications, such as those that contain codeine or morphine.
Beyond the headache, a person may experience:
neck pain
a feeling of nasal congestion
reduced sleep quality
Symptoms can vary, and the pain may change from day to day.
According to The Migraine Trust, a charity organization based in the United Kingdom, people with migraine often develop medication overuse headaches. These can cause migraine episodes to occur more frequently and become more severe.
Cluster headache
These headaches usually last between 15 minutes and 3 hours, and they may occur one to eight times per day.
Cluster headaches may arise frequently for 4–12 weeks, then disappear. They tend to happen at around the same time each day.
Between the clusters, the person may have no symptoms. These remission periods may last months or years.
Cluster headaches often involve:
brief but severe pain
pain around one eye
tearing or redness in the eye
a drooping eyelid
a blocked or runny nose
a smaller pupil in one eye
facial sweating
Find out more about cluster headaches.
Thunderclap headache
These are sudden, severe headaches that people often describe as the “worst headache of my life.” They reach maximum intensity in under 1 minute and last longer than 5 minutes.
A thunderclap headache is a secondary headache that can indicate a life-threatening condition, such as:
an aneurysm
reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome
pituitary apoplexy
bleeding in the brain
a blood clot in the brain
People who experience these sudden, severe headaches should receive immediate medical care.: