Please provide a description of one time in your life that you experienced inequality. Was there a way it could have been avoided? How was the problem solved? Be specific.

Answer :


It's asking about you and have YOU ever experienced it


The experience I have is when I go to school, it’s come to my realization that teachers really do pick favorites and they compare you to other people. For example, today at school my math teacher was explaining a lesson and she was calling on students to answer the question and she called on me, I answered the question correctly and she made it seem like I didn’t do it right because of a simple mistake such as flipping the equations, when another student did it (specifically one of her favorite students) they made the exact same mistake and she didn’t even acknowledge it, she started sprouting praise to them and making it seem like everything was A-okay. I know it probably sounds like I’m too sensitive for my own good but this really bothered me and I hope next semester I can change my classes.