Vanessa, a single mother, has three children, Mariah (6), Alejandro (12), and Brianna (17). Brianna is a full-time student. Vanessa's adjusted gross income is $68,950, and her tax liability is $5,757. All three children are Vanessa's qualifying child dependents. What is the total of Vanessa's Child Tax Credit and Other Dependent Credit

Answer :

The total amount of Vanessa's Child Tax Credit and Other Dependent Credit will be $4500.

It should be noted that the amount that will be paid for kinds that are 16 years and below is $2000 per child while kids that are 17 years and above is $500 per kid.

Therefore, since there are 2 children below 17 years while a child is 17 years, the total amount that'll be paid will be:

= (2 × $2000) + (1 × $500)

= $4000 + $500.

= $4500

Therefore, the total amount that'll be paid is $4500.

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