What do you call a male lady bug?
Can atheists get insurance policies that cover acts of God?
If you can say that you’re speechless, doesn’t that mean that you were able to talk, and are thus, not speechless?
What makes the difference between a wise man and a wise guy?
Why do we say that something is ‘out of whack’? what is a whack in the first place?
Why do people say that something sells like ‘hotcakes’ if they sell out fast? How fast do hotcakes sell?
Why do we say that we have the weight of the world on our shoulders, but when we try to express it, we say we have to get it off of our chests?
If you decide to describe yourself as indecisive, are you decisive or indecisive?
Why is room temperature used as a measurement of warmth when not all rooms have the same temperature?
What does ‘ok’ actually mean?
Why do super heroes wear their underwear outside of their clothes?
If eating your dessert before a meal will spoil your appetite, then won’t eating a meal before your dessert ruin your appetite for dessert?
Why do women and men’s shoe sizes have to be different? Why can’t it be one size chart that just goes through all foot sizes?
Why didn’t they list the word ‘gullible’ in the dictionary?
Is it possible to blow up a balloon while you’re under water?
Why is it that you can’t hum while your nose is plugged? Do we hum through our mouths or through our noses?
Why do we say that people work like a dog if they work all day when all dogs do is lie around?
Do people with a stutter also stutter in their thoughts?
If all of the world is in debt, where did that money go? Who do we owe money to?
Why is it necessary to nail down a coffin’s lid? Are we expecting what’s inside to try to break free?
If a boy named after his dad is called junior, what do you call a girl named after her mom?
Why did they name Donkey Kong that way if he’s a monkey and not a donkey?
When they say that a specific dog food has a new and improved flavor, who tests it?
If a piece of gum is 10 calories, does that include just the chewing or if you swallow it, too?

Answer :

Answer:Male ladybugs are called ladybugs too. The name encompasses both the male and female species of ladybugs.

The "wise" in "wise guy" is sarcastic. The surface meaning of "wise guy" is synonymous to "wise man," but in actual usage "wise guy" ALWAYS refers to someone who is making a sardonic comment, implying that he (thinks he) is somehow smarter than others.

The presence of only 4 colors and thick black lines covering most of the shaded areas caused the superhero characters to have indistinguishable body parts. Underwear-over-the-pants was a very clever idea to make the character stand out and to highlight the groin and buttock.

Sure, if you have a pair of strong lungs or an air hose. The deeper the water the more pressure you would need since the underwater pressure increases rapidly as a function of depth.

Why do you think that is? It is because when you hum, you are actually exhaling, so if both your mouth and your nose is closed, the air can't escape. So, although you can hum for a very brief few second or two, you will be forced to open your mouth and catch your breath. Stuttering involves more than the behaviors that we see and hear. It also includes thoughts and feelings about communication [2]. Some people who stutter are afraid to talk because of how others may react to their stuttering.

Answer: it includes just the chewing.

Explanation: WoW!!