Explain how nationalism can be a centrifugal and a centripetal force

Answer :

Nationalism can in fact be both a centrifugal and a centripetal force due to its ability to both unite and divide a nation, as seen with the many Civil Wars throughout the world.

What is a Centrifugal force?

  • A centrifugal force is considered as one that divides people.
  • In this case, it is a force that divides the populace of a nation.
  • Nationalism can act as such a force at times.
  • One clear example is the way that differing opinions as to how the nation should operate lead to outbreaks of civil war.

What is a Centripetal force?

  • This is the opposite of the previously mentioned.
  • A centripetal force is one that unites the populace of a nation.
  • Nationalism is more often than not a centripetal force.
  • The military is one such example, where people from across the nation band together to fight for their nation.

Therefore, since nationalism can be seen to cause people to unite towards the same goal, for the benefit of the nation, it can be seen as a centripetal force. However, it has also been seen that differing views of nationalism can lead to war, thus acting as a centrifugal force.

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