7) Using a fictional product or service, create a simple business plan by
answering the three questions business owners must consider.

The three questions a business owners must consider are;

1 What good will be produced?
2 How should it be produced?
3 For whom should it be produced?

What good will you produce, or what service will you provide?

Answer :


i will make legos

It will be produced in a production facility in denmark

will be produced for all genders ages 5+


Using a fictional product, my simple business plan would be based on these economic theories that is what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce.

  1. What to produce – I will produce herbal hair shampoo.
  2. How to produce – I would use both labor intensive and machine incentive techniques equally for production.
  3. Whom to produce- The core niche would be the women aged between 15 to 60.

What is a business plan?

A business plan is a written strategy that outlines the objectives and strategies for accomplishing the objectives of the business. It describes a company's go-to-market strategy, financial forecasts, market analysis, corporate objectives, and mission statement. The business plan may also include a timeframe and information about key personnel who are in charge of reaching the objectives.

A business plan is a crucial document intended for both internal and external audiences of a company. For instance, before a business has built a solid track record, a business plan is utilized to entice investment. Securing financing from financial entities might also be beneficial.

A business plan serves three purposes: it explains the organization's strategy to execute it over the long term, obtains funding from investors, and aids in projecting future company demands.

What is an economic theory?

An economic theory is a body of concepts and precepts that describes how various economies operate. An economist may use theories in many ways depending on their specific function. For instance, some theories seek to explain certain economic phenomena, such inflation or supply and demand, as well as the reasons behind them.

Economic theories seek to analyze the causes and effects of economic occurrences, as well as the optimal course of action for influencing or resolving them. They are an extensive set of presumptions, theories, definitions, and guidelines on what should be done in various economic circumstances. Positive and normative approaches to economic theory are the two main categories.

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