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Answer :

Indians Contribution

  • Level : SHS

The contribution of Indians about education after 1857 inc|ude Indian estab|ished a dense educational network (very largely for males) with a Western curricu|um based on instruction in English.


By 1890 some 60,000 Indians had matriculated, chiefly in the liberal arts or law. This is the result of their hard work after 1857 in education aspect. The result was a very we|l educated professional state Bureaucracy.

By 1887 of 21,000 mid-level civil service appointments 45% were he|d by Hindus, 7% by MusIims, 19% by Eurasians (one European parent and one Indian), and 29% by Europeans. Of the 1000 top -level positions, aImost aIl were held by Britons, typicaIly with an Oxbridge degree.
