Write a program that get
the age of 50 people and
display the number of
people that fall under:
1. Baby : 0-5
2. Kids and teenagers: 6-17
3. Adults : 18 and over

Answer :


people = list(map(int, input().split()))  # gets input and makes them into an integer

for i in range(len(people)):

   if 0 <= people[i] <= 5:

       print('Baby')  # You didn't specify how you want to 'store' the info, but I'm just going to print it out

   elif 6 <= people[i] <= 17:


   elif 18 <= people[i]:



This is the basic structure of the code. This is written in Python 3x. If you are writing in a different language, then just use the template given to you!