SECTIONA ANSWERALL QUESTIONS (5 MARKS PER QUESTION) 1:03 mixing a solution of silver nitrate and dilute hydrochloric acid a white precipitate is :o:med inrmediately. 1) Write an equation for the reaction (ii) The precipitate darkens rapidly upon standing. Why? :12 Explain why conductivity measurements of M* in aqueous solutions is in the order: Cs' > Rb'>K" > Na* > Li' A3 Why is it that lithium salts are often hydrated whereas those of the other alkali metals are ofien anhydrous? 44 Explain with the help of chemical equations why BeCl2 is acidic .45(a) State the main types of bonds formed by hydrogen Star lo list three ways of preparing hydrogen 16 Write an equation and identify the element formed when: (a) Polonium 210 undergoes a- decay (b) Actrium 277 undergoes ß- decay (0) Iridium 186 undergoes electron capture d) Bismuth 192 undergoes positron emission (C) Iodine 133 undergoes B- emission 47 The Uranium decay series starts with 238,2Uand ends with 206,2Pb. Each step involves the Luistentie