Identify the 25 adjectives in the story
On hot summer nights, Julio and the other boys slept out in the yard. They put up a tent in a dark corner, where the trees and bushes are thick. That way the boys can easily imagine they are in a wild, uninhabited country.
One evening Mike suggested that they tell ghost stories or tales of bear hunts. After a particularly spine-tingling story, Mike couldn’t sleep; he was too nervous. About midnight he saw something move in the shadows. “Yeow!” he cried out. “There is a big bear! It is really huge!”
In the sudden confusion, the small tent collapsed on top of the boys; each one seemed eager to go in a different direction. Anxious parents ran out of the nearby house. They found a coal-black dog. Like a bear, this animal was very curious. It was sniffing at the tangle of arms, legs, and bodies under the tent.