Answer :
racism affects society in different ways. Some people don’t think about people the same. Like if you're black you get pulled over by the police for no reason and it’s actually really sad and probably scares them. Like one police killing a black person actually a lot of police have killed black people. But the fact of people thinking that all white people are racist is actually horrible because half of the white people aren’t. So racism makes people mad,sad, and insecure.
Racism hurts children, in real and fundamental ways. It hurts not just their health, but their chances for a good, successful life. Racism and its effects can lead to chronic stress for children. Racism, or discrimination based on race or ethnicity, is a key contributing factor in the onset of disease. It is also responsible for increasing disparities in physical and mental health among Black, Indigenous, and people of color.
racism over all is just wrong And unfair to others. Also being a racist can also hurt you in the long run. A lot of people nowadays are losing their jobs for things they may have said to people of their ethnicity. people try to change themselves due to racism. People hide their culture and try to be something they are not. Racism is forcing children to think white people are better than black because of their skin color.
In conclusion racism can affect people in a lot of different ways. Racism hurts children and affects their future and their mental state. racism is wrong and unjust.racism treats people differently based on their skin color. Racism has to stop today.
The framework I used is structural-functional approach