Suzanne wants to know everything about the new couple next door. Write out the questions that make up her half of the conversation.

Answer :

- Quel âge ont-ils?
( how old are they? )

- D’où viennent t-ils?
( where are they from? )

- À quoi ressemblent-ils?
( what do they look like? )

- Depuis combien de temps sont-ils installés ici?
( since when did they moved here? )

- Ont-ils des animaux?
( have they any pets? )

- Quel sont leur nom?
( what are their name? )

- Ont-ils enfants?
( have they children? )

- Pourquoi se sont-ils installés ici?
( why did they decided to move here? )

- Sont-ils mariés?
( are they married? )