Answer :
Technology - the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life or to the change and manipulation of the human environment.
Strait - 1. a comparatively narrow passageway connecting two large bodies of water; 2. used in reference to a situation characterized by a specified degree of trouble or difficulty; 3. (of a place) of limited spatial capacity; narrow or cramped; 4. close, strict, or rigorous.
Compass - 1 : a device having a magnetic needle that indicates direction on the earth's surface by pointing toward the north. 2 : an instrument for drawing circles or marking measurements consisting of two pointed legs joined at the top by a pivot
Circumnavigate - to travel around in a big circle. travel completely around something, especially by ship or plane
I hope it helps you
•Set of knowledge of a technique.
•Set of instruments, technical resources or procedures used in a specific field or sector.
•That it is not very wide or has less width than other things of the same type.
•That it is excessively tight around a thing or that it oppresses it.
•Navigate around a place.
•Give a ship around the world
•Instrument to orient oneself that consists of a box whose bottom represents the compass rose and in which there is a magnetized needle that rotates freely on an axis and that always points to magnetic north; To determine any direction of the horizon, the needle must coincide with the line that marks North on the rose.
•Navigation instrument used on board to determine the course and consists of a round box with two concentric circles: the inner circle, with the compass rose, has a magnetized needle that rotates on an axis and points North, and the second marks the direction of the keel of the ship.