Answer :
The little plant was filled with Chloryphyl. He was very smart and for fun would read Exodus. One day while he was reading, his sister called him on the telephone.
She exclaimed 'Guess what? I just finished my culinary class!!'.
'No way!' the little plant answered, 'Too bad the certificate is only temporary!'.
'What?' she cried, 'Is this an oligarchy or something?'.
'No, but that language class you are taking might come in handy! Soon you may as well be a polygot!' her brother answered.
'Yea, but I don't finish until November!' she complained.
'Hmmm... I thought you finished on Monday!'
'I wish... Anyway, I'm going nocturnal! I heard that it is great for plants!'
'I wish. But just so you know... Salvation comes for everyone.'
'Umm... ok.... But the new panorama on my camera is amazing!'
'Really? That's cool, just remember to study for your language class!'
'I will. I will. The test isn't until the Lunar New Year though.'
'Just study, ok?'
'And your multiskill Home Ec Class.'
'And your 'Who's the culprit' extra cirricular class.'