Can someone help me with this code please explain it to me in simple way
it's anstance variable in jave public class Record{

public String name;// this instance variable is visible for any child class.

private int age;// this instance age variable is visible in Record class only.

public Record (String RecName)
name = RecName;

public void setAge(int RecSal)
age = RecSal;

public void printRec()
System.out.println("name : " + name ); // print the value for “name”
System.out.println("age :" + age); //prints the value for “age”
public static void main(String args[])
Record r = new Record("Ram");

name : Ram
age :23

Answer :


It prints your name and age.


It prints the value for both name and age variables, so you need away to get it.