In "Why Do We Yawn?," the author states that scientists “have
yet to come to any consensus" regarding the theories on why
humans yawn. Analyze how the author supports this statement
throughout the text. Use evidence from the text to support your

Answer :

The author supports the statement by explaining the different theories about yawning, this includes theories and some that are still studied.

The author states that scientists have not yet reached any consensus regarding theories about why humans yawn and argue this claim by explaining the following theories about yawning:

  • In Antiquity: Hippocrates' Yawning Theory focused on the respiratory system by hypothesizing that yawning precedes fever and is a way of removing polluted air from the lungs.
  • In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: Most theories focused on the circulatory system. These theories posited that yawning causes an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen in the blood.
  • Today: Dr. Robert Provine, in 2005 stated that yawning is associated with changing a state of behavior.
  • Gallup in 2008 proposed that yawning is related to a way of cooling the brain's temperature.
  • In 2011, Dr. Andrew Gallup and Omar Tonsi Eldakar stated that yawning is related to the outside temperature, that is, when the temperature is warm, the body yawns less frequently.

According to the above, it can be inferred that scientists have not reached a consensus on yawning because all have raised different theories to explain its function.

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