Your challenge is...

Choose 5 adaptations from the table below.

To create your own plant species that has adapted to the desert environment.
You then need to label the adaptations and explain why they need this feature taking into account the climate and landscape of a desert.
Choose 5 adaptations and draw your plant using the success criteria:

Draw your plant
Use colour
Label adaptations
Explain why these adaptations are useful
Writing frame

This is my plant species. It is called a …

This plant has adapted to the desert

environment, the adaptations include …

It has long roots so...

Etc. …

•Drought resistant

•Deep root system

•Stores water

•Wide root system


•Sticks to rocks

•Awful smell

•Changes colour

•Sticky surfaces

•Lifecycle within days

•Likes shade

•Waxy, pointed leaves

•Needle leaves

•Likes strong sun

•Thick bark

•Wind-blown seeds

•Runners put down roots

•Eats insects

•Bears fruit




•Stunted short growth


i need help on this piece of hw