after 3-pga is phosphorylated, it is reduced by _____.

Answer :

The full meaning of 3-pga is 3-phosphoglyceric acid. 3-pga is a very important chemical compound and it can be found in both the Glycolysis and Calvin -Benson cycle.

After 3-pga is phosphorylated, it is reduced by NADPH'

Phosphorylation is a chemical process of adding phosphate to a chemical compund.

NADPH is known as a cofactor in the Anabolic process. Its full meaning is Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Hydrogen. It is an electron donor.

When 3-pga is phosphorylated, and additional phosphate is added to its chemical compound. During photosynthesis, NADPH reacts with Phosphorylated 3-pga and it undergoes a reduction reaction.

During the reduction reaction, 3-pga gains electrons.

Therefore, After 3-pga is phosphorylated, it is reduced by NADPH.

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