Answer :
My best guess is C: Yes, it will provide The skills she needs to begin her medical career.
HOWEVER depending on the specificity of this assignment it could also be D., I’m not sure if there’s a text that changes the context, etc.?
Moreover, I’d personally argue that B is the w0rst answer since education largely depends on a lot of factors, such as the student and their family’s average income, the student’s background (ethn¡c¡ty, rac3, g3nd3r etc. all have been proven to play roles in others’ biases; colleges aren’t free of bias, either), the student’s specific choice of career, the teacher, the class itself, the time period and the students’ grades all come into play when you’re considering education. Menta| hea|th and ¡ntell¡gence, as well as the ability to learn in the unfortunately specific schooling system of the area, also impacts how well education goes for a student, as well as what results will prevail.
Basically; C.
HOWEVER depending on the specificity of this assignment it could also be D., I’m not sure if there’s a text that changes the context, etc.?
Moreover, I’d personally argue that B is the w0rst answer since education largely depends on a lot of factors, such as the student and their family’s average income, the student’s background (ethn¡c¡ty, rac3, g3nd3r etc. all have been proven to play roles in others’ biases; colleges aren’t free of bias, either), the student’s specific choice of career, the teacher, the class itself, the time period and the students’ grades all come into play when you’re considering education. Menta| hea|th and ¡ntell¡gence, as well as the ability to learn in the unfortunately specific schooling system of the area, also impacts how well education goes for a student, as well as what results will prevail.
Basically; C.