Help!!!! I NEED HELP IMMEDIATLY! I need to finish this essay and Ihave no idea on how to I'm having serious writers block!
This is the essay anyone have ideas?

Writing skills
When you were young did you write clearly or was your handwriting bad? I for one had and still have horrible handwriting. When I say I had horrible handwriting I mean anything I wrote was unreadable. When I wrote it always made me insecure about how people would react when they saw my writing, since that would happen I would not write unless it was absolutely necessary. I practiced writing a lot but for some reason my handwriting barely improved.
I have always had bad handwriting. It was to the point that the only person who could actually understand what I wrote was myself. Although I could understand my own handwriting it was very difficult to read at times even for me. Bad handwriting meant many things that I would need to take a long time to write so I could try and write the best that I could. Having bad handwriting also led to many other problems.
Having bad handwriting also made me very insecure. When I would write all I could think about is what will my teacher say or will one of my classmates read what I'm writing. Thinking these things would persuade me to no write unless necessary