Using the modals of prohibition, write about activities permitted by the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging
Infectious Diseases under the Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) under your barangay. Create a
COMMUNITY BROCHURE (an informative pamphlet presenting information and details) out of you output.

Answer :

The question above aims to assess your ability to recognize and interpret modals, in addition to analyzing your ability to express the meanings of these modals to a community. For this reason, I cannot write the answer for you, but I will show you how to do it.

First, you must know that a modal is a verb that expresses a modality. In the case of modals of prohibition, the verb presents a modality about something that cannot be done.

Thus, this modal has, more often, the verbs "can not," "may not" and "couldn't."

So, to answer this question, you must:

  • Read the guidelines presented by the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases under the Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine.
  • Observe what these guidelines present as permissible.
  • Rewrite these guidelines, adapting them and commenting on them with the modals of prohibition, that is, using verbs with a negative modality.

Next, you should use the sentences you created with the prohibition modals to write a community informative pamphlet. This pamphlet should display this information in a way that is eye-catching, yet consistent with community members, to ensure that they pay attention to the information presented.

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