Answer :
The program written in python 3 which prints the shipping cost based on the total shopping cost is written thus :
cost = int(input('Enter your shopping cost : '))
#accepts integer input of the customer's shopping cost
if cost < 50 :
print('ship within USA : $6 ')
print('ship to canada : $8')
#if cost of shopping is below $50, shopping to USA is $6 and Canada $8
elif (cost >=50) & (cost < 100):
print('ship within USA : $9 ')
print('ship to canada : $12')
#if cost of shopping is between $50 and below $100, shopping to USA is $9 and Canada $12
elif (cost>=100) & (cost < 150):
print('ship within USA : $12')
print('ship to canada : $15')
#if cost of shopping is between $100 and below $150, shopping to USA is $12 and Canada $15
elif cost > 150 :
print('ship within USA : Free')
print('ship to canada : Free')
#if cost of shopping is above $150 ; then shipping cost is free to both countries.
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