short essay of (gifts you have received and how you felt about them)

Answer :


ReadingEvery year, I always receive a lot of gifts from my parents and friends on my birthday. But last year, I received a special gift from my best friend.

It was my birthday. I was presented many colourful and expensive gifts. But my best friend did not give me a gift like that. She gave me a small blue box and said that: “This is my special gift for you. I hope you will like it.” I was very curious about what was in the box. I opened it. It was a scarf! But it was not colourful, it was blue and white which were my favourite colours. It was not a normal scarf which was bought from the shop but it was made by my friend. She bought many balls of wool and learned how to knit. She tried her best to make a special gift for me. I knew that she had had much ado and time to finish kniting the scarf . Although it was not beautiful, I was happy and promise her treasure it. However, it was also the last gift from my best friend. Two months later, she had to move to another country with her family. I was very upset when I knew that.

When it is cold, this scarf is very useful for me. It is warmer than other scarfs because it is warm not only by keeping my normothermia but also by our friendship.


I got tired to write this one

so plz make it brainliest


I have heard many times that 'money just can’t buy everything', but it certainly can buy some exceptional “gifts”, and I figured it out when I took a vacation to Europe (courtesy to the unexpected tax refunds in a check, which I received from the US government last year. Now, you may wonder what kind of gift I am talking about.

Well, I am jealous of Europe and its people for two reasons. First, they work fewer hours and enjoy more vacation time than us “American” people. Secondly (I know, if I say this, many of my American compatriot citizens are going to “hate” me), they are arguably more “smart” than American people in general, and Sean Jeffry, my long-time British friend, has proved it by offering me such a gift which has put an American like me to shame. It’s a collection of some of the “American all-time movie hits”, a gift idea, I think that only a very few American people could come up with, even on the best of the occasions. At least, I have never heard of any of my own American friends or family members offering this kind of gifts to anybody. After receiving such a gift, which also included some of my favourite movies, I felt like I couldn’t possibly receive any better gifts than this from a “foreigner friend” who lives in a different continent in another part of the world.

Anyway, I feel like this was the best gift I have ever received because my friend used a lot of his time and efforts to actually be able in order to find and make the list of all the movies in Hollywood movie history. Besides, it also takes a special friend and person to learn and remember about the preference, whatever that may be, of his friend, and my friend Sean proved that he is just that kind of friend and person. Finally, I consider this to be the best gift I have ever received because I received it when I expected it in the least.