Answer :
There are so many factors that affects productivity. Here are the four factors that will help comprehend the topic
To began with production- production is the process of creating utility to satisfy customer demands
Factors that affect productivity are
human capital- having well trained employees and enough man power to perfome the required task withing the production center hence higher productivity. Man power is cery assential in production process , I think this is why china has develope so fast in industrial sector. The population is very huge compared to other countries where population is low
Resource - Resource in terms of working tools and money to support you on your daily operations is highly required for high productivity
Land- this is a place where your production activities takes place , having a big working space will lead to high productivity - and vice versa is true. This is the place where your office is located (physical address)
Government support , government should have fair tax charges to companies/industries so as to motivate more investors , also govenment should protect the market where product are sold to avoid price flactuations , also providing incentive to investors and minimizing taarifs and obstacles to the investors - this will support production process
Thank you for reading this