Answer :
Books are written by individuals, but they are also influenced by that individual's society. Therefore, it is important to consider a work's cultural context. Culture can refer to the beliefs, customs, values, and activities of a particular group of people at a particular time.
Answer: A piece of art work that I admire is the Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa is a genre a portrait or a portrait painting, the Mona Lisa is not a functional object. The materials used in the Mona Lisa are very simple, oil paints. The Mona Lisa utilizes the elements of art and principles of design by having negative space, positive space, color physchology by using dark color to make the Mona Lisa stand out, and curved lines used in the forming of the face, hair and clothing. The cultural context of this piece is the Italian cultural heritage, the Mona Lisa shows sercularism because it is not religious themed. The Mona Lisa was not used to support or protest about anything, and yes the painting was purely decorative by not stating who the girl was and was looked at as a beautiful painting or aesthetic.
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