What is the table that shows how many participants have each score?
O Frequency polygon
O Frequencies
O Frequency distribution
O Descriptive Statistics
What is the height of the curve at each score on the horizontal line of the frequency polygon based on?
O Frequency distribution
Each score
O Descriptive Statistics
O Frequency of each score.
Which of the following does NOT describe a normal curve, also known as the bell-shaped curve?
O It is the most important shape
O It is a shape very often found in nature.
O It is the basis for a number of inferential statistics.
O The length of the tails on either sides of the curve may not necessarily look the same
What kind of distribution is it in the case where the curve of a frequency polygon is high on the right side?
O Normal distribution
O Positive skew distribution
O Negative skew distribution
What shape of distribution (Normal, Positive skew, or Negative skew) would you expect for a polygon of the following data? The heights of women in a large population.
O Normal
O Positive Skew
O Negative Skew
What shape of distribution (Normal, Positive skew, or Negative skew) would you expect for a polygon of the following data? Income.
O Normal
O Positive Skew
O Negative Skew
What shape of distribution (Normal, Positive skew, or Negative skew) would you expect for a polygon of the following data?: a test with a large number of high scores.
O Normal
O Positive Skew
O Negative Skew
What shape of distribution (Normal, Positive skew, or Negative skew) would you expect for a polygon of the following data?: the average annual rainfall in Los Angeles over the past 110 years.