HELP ME HELP !!! Please

Which of the following examples best reveals Shlemiel's character traits?

A) I'm always misplacing things. A hundred times I asked myself, Where is my pen? Where is my money Where is
my handkerchief? Where is my address book? I am what is known as an absent minded professor)

B) A taxi drove by and splattered us both, Suddenly it stopped and I heard someone shouting, "Shlemiel,
Shlemiell", I looked up and saw the taxi door open, and the head of a friend of mine appeared,

C) In the drugstore, I found a telephone book, but when I looked under 5, I saw to my horror that though there
were a number of Shlemiels listed, I was not among them. At that moment i recalled that several months
before, Mrs. Shlemiel had decided that we should have an unlisted telephone number,

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