Medicare plan for individual with chronic bronchitis

Answer :

I have no experience with this, but hopefully this helps

Chronic lung diseases affect millions of people in the United States. It falls under the fourth leading cause of death. Thankfully, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) considers chronic lung disorders to be one of the qualifications for a Medicare Special Needs Plan.

As you age, it’s easy to brush off symptoms as “part of the aging process.” You might even purposely ignore certain symptoms because they “aren’t that bad,” and you don’t want to pay for treatment – but your symptoms could be indicative of a bigger problem and should not be taken lightly.

If you are diagnosed with chronic lung disease, you may qualify for a Medicare Special Needs Plan that can save you thousands of dollars in doctor visits and treatment costs. Qualifying for a Special Needs Plan means you will also qualify for a Special Enrollment Period, which allows you to change plans more often.