Question 1 – 5x1 Mark =5 Marks
1 What feature of human language best describes the text above? 1 mark
2 Give one reason why the author has used the present perfect or
present participle tense in paragraph 2.
1 mark
3 Identify one verb in its past tense form in paragraph 2 1 mark
4 What type of sentence is the first sentence of paragraph 6? 1 mark
5 Is this text an example of verbal or non-verbal communication? 1 mark
Question 2 – 8x2 Marks = 16 Marks
1. Explain in your own words the feature of human language that you
identified in question 1.1.
2 marks
2. What are the two functions of language conveyed by the author in this
2 marks
3. Give two examples of the present perfect tense or present participle
tense from paragraph 2.
You should only write out the verb phrases and not the whole sentences
in which they occur.
2 marks
4. The phrase “These two headline-grabbing fires” in paragraph 3 is a
complex noun phrase.
Analyse or break down this noun phrase into its two constituent parts
2 marks
5 Provide two reasons for the answer you have provided in question 1.5 2 marks
6 What message is the author communicating to the reader in this text? 2 marks
7 Read paragraph 1 carefully.
Identify the two major crises experienced by the people of
Johannesburg even before the fire broke out at Charlotte Maxeke
Academic Hospital?
2 marks
8 Why did the author use the phrase “(yes, five)” in paragraph 5? 2 marks
Question 3 – 7x3 Marks = 21 Marks
1. Identify three personal pronouns that have been used in paragraph 1
2. Identify three adverbs that have been used in paragraph 4 3 marks
3. Write down three complex sentences from paragraph 6.
The three sentences must be written out correctly and in full to be
awarded the marks.
3 marks
4. Nunan (2001:23) discusses six stages in the process of listening.
If you were listening to this text being read, at which phase of listening
would you hear, pay attention and understand the content of the text?
3 marks
5. At what stage of the listening process would you remember, evaluate
and respond?
3 marks
6. In the pre-reading phase what can be inferred from the title of the text? 3 marks
7. The author has used “and no more so than” in paragraph 3, “for
example” in paragraph 5, and “in fact” in paragraph 6 as connectors
and signposting language.
Explain the purpose or function of each of the three connectors in the
context in which they have been used in the text.
3 marks
Question 4 – 3x4 Marks = 12 Marks
1. The author has used several prepositional phrases in paragraph 5,
identify the four prepositional phrases in the first two sentences of this
4 marks
2. What spoken and informal features of language would you use to
express the sentence “Three firefighters needlessly lost their lives
evacuating people from the building” if you were interacting in a
conversation with a close friend on this text.
Your answer should be presented in two sentences.
4 marks
3. Paraphrase paragraph 5 in four sentences 4 marks
Question 5 – 1x6 Marks = 6 Marks
1. Summarise each paragraph of the text into separate sentences.
Ensure that your summary consists of only six sentences.