Answer :
b. egomania : From Latin "ego" and Greek "mania" Obsessive self-centeredness.
d. rejection: From Latin "reiectio" Act of throwing off or away; refusal to accept or grant.
e. mosquito: From Latin "musca" Little gnat or fly.
f. polyandry: From Greek "polýs" and "andrós" State of having more husbands than one at the same time.
g. assiduous: From Latin "assiduus" Attentive, devoted, constant in application.
h. podiatrist: From Greek "podos" and "iatros" Medical professional devoted to the treatment of disorders of the foot, ankle, and related structures of the leg.
j. effective: From Latin "effectivus" Serving to effect the intended purpose.
k. identity: From Latin "identitas" Sameness, oneness, state of being the same.
l. context: From Latin "contextus" A composition, a chronicle, the entire text of a writing.