Answer :
Following are the SQL query commands to the given question:
select customer_name /*using inner select query */
/* select column names*/
SELECT customer_name,
TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(next_transaction_time, transaction_time)) as difference
FROM ( SELECT customer_name,
( SELECT MIN(transaction_time)
FROM customer_transactions T2
WHERE T2.customer_name = T1.customer_name
AND T2.transaction_time > T1.transaction_time
) AS next_transaction_time
FROM customer_transactions T1
) AS T
) X
/*Using group by clause with min and max method*/
GROUP BY customer_name HAVING MIN(difference) = 10 and MAX(difference) = 10
Explanation of query:
- In this question, Subqueries, group by clause, with the max and min method is used which purpose can be defined as follows:
- It is utilized for returning information which is used to better limit the data to be found in the primary query.
- It returns no or more rows through one or more tables or views of the database.
- It organizes rows into groups depending on its values for one or more columns.
- Grouping is usually utilized to use some kind of aggregate function for every group.
- The function MIN() returns the lowest value of the column chosen.
- The function MAX() returns the highest number in the column chosen.
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