Answer :
The correct responses to the questions about university education and jobs are;
1) True
2) True
3) True
4) False
These days, getting a college education no longer guarantees economic security.
The economy has grown and there are lots of people graduating from college each year. It is practically impossible to provide enough jobs in the economy to support the growing number of college graduates each year.
However, every college graduate may be able to carve a niche for himself/herself in the economy via hard work and ingenuity irrespective of his/her university or discipline.
Summarily, a university degree no longer guarantees employment but it does guarantee a higher salary in any job.
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The university's objective has changed to social mobility. The university should protect reason, research, philosophical openness and protect pure inquiry from the prevailing opinion of the general public.
- Bachelor's degree-level girls have already seen faster wage gains than women on other levels of education.
- The highest earnings in each educational level of a college education nowadays no longer ensure economic security.
- The economy has grown and every year many college graduates.
- The growth in the number of college grads each year is supplied with adequate jobs in the economy.
- All graduates may, however, through hard work and ingenuity, regardless of university or discipline, be allowed to carve a Niche in economics for themselves.
- In short, a uni degree has no responsibility for jobs but assures a higher salary at all times.
So, the final answer is "True , True, True, and False".
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