Which step in this diagram is missing ? Manufactured goods shipped from Europe B. Silk shipped from China C. Gold shipped from South America D. Spices shipped from India

Which Step In This Diagram Is Missing Manufactured Goods Shipped From Europe B Silk Shipped From China C Gold Shipped From South America D Spices Shipped From I class=

Answer :

Answer: It would be "Manufactured goods shipped from Europe"


The reason is because, Europe, mainly England or "Great Britain" were owners and rulers of these American Colonies. The American Colonies with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, etc. all were ruled, up until 1776, by the British Crown. The British and other european companies brought in many goods to the colonies, like manufactured items, food, silk, tea, and slaves from British African Colonies.

Overtime, after Independence from Britain, the Americans continued their own slave trade, privately, until they stopped bring slaves over, and stuck with what they had, until 1865, when the Civil War ended, and slavery was rooted out, completely.

But treatment of former slaves didn't automatically become kind and cheery. The aftermath of the Civil War led to the Civil rights leader of the 20th century, and the 1963 March on Washington and the famous MLK speach, I Have Dream.

It took a long time for things to really change for former slaves and their desendants. And things still aren't perfect.