Answer :
Skin cells are specialized to be quickly shed and replaced, and do not have much mitochondria (which helps produce energy). Muscle cells, conversely, have lots of mitochondria because they need energy to produce movement.
A skin cell should proliferate very well and at the same time be protected against UV radiation, it would be important to have a function in which is cell is flexible, but also comparably hard.
A muscle cell needs a huge metabolism, a certain way to function, UV protection on the other side is really not its business.
Differences between Skin and Muscles Cell:
- Skin cells are specialized to be quickly shed and replaced, and do not have much mitochondria (which helps produce energy). Muscle cells, conversely, have lots of mitochondria because they need energy to produce movement.
- Skin cells are the epidermal cells which cover all the organs of the body by forming a tissue called the skin. While Muscle cells form structures called as muscles.
- Muscle fibers contain the major organelles present in most cells.
- Both of these cells are different because they use the same set of genes differently.
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