Answer :
1. Gruesome is an adjective which describes the noun
- Gruesome means "causing repulsion or horror".
- Some synonyms of gruesome are ghastly, extreme violence, horrifying, fearful etc
- The word gruesome is from the word "grue" with the suffix "more"
- There is need to know that the word "grue" means to "shiver especially with fear"
In conclusion, the word "some" added to the word "grue" gives the word "gruesome" another entire meaning.
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2. Loathsome is an adjective which describes the noun.
- Loathsome means "causing hatred or disgust".
- Some synonyms of loathsome includes hateful, detestable, abhorrent etc.
- The word loathsome is from the word "Loath" with the suffix "some".
- There is need to know that the word "loath" means "to dislike greatly"
In conclusion, the word "some" added to the word "Loath" gives the word "Loath" the same meaning.
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