Answer :
After the French and Indian War, England taxed the colonies on tea, paper, paint, and glass so that they could pay off their war debt faster. However, the constant tax acts frustrated the colonists as they were being taxed without representation in Parliament, they were not allowed to have a say in any of the matters even though they were the ones who had to suffer with the costs.
The crowning of King George III also caused problems because he ruled with an iron fist, he continued to tax the colonists, and after hearing about the Boston Tea Party, decided to punish the colonists in Massachusetts with the Intolerable Acts-closing down the Boston harbor so no trade could happen there, Massachusetts were not allowed to have town meetings without the government's permission, and he sent more British soldiers to enforce these laws.
These two events caused a rift between the colonies and England, one wanting to break free and the other trying to keep them under control.
Hope that helps.