LILLYACKERMANGO LILLYACKERMANGO Mathematics Answered please help! need answers in order to move on:) 1.) which number equals (5)^-3? - -125 - 1/15 - 1/125 - -15 2.) find the equivalent for -(3)^-4 - -(4x4x4) - -3x-4 - 1/-3x-3x-3x-3 - -(1/3x1/3x1/3x1/3) 3.) which of the following is equivalent to 3^-8x3^4 - 3^-12 - 3^-4 - 3^-2 - 3^-32 4.) which value is equivalent to 7^-3/7^-5 - 7^15 - 7^-2 - 7^8 - 7^2 5.) choose the equivalent expression (8^10)^2 - 8^12 - 8^20 - 8^8 - 8^5 6.) which expression is equivalent to (9x8)^4 - 9x8x4 - 9^4x8^4 - (9^8)^4 - (9^4)^8 7.) which expression is equivalent to (2/7)^5 - 2^5/7^5 - 2x5/7x5 - 2^5/7 - 2x5/7