1. List the questions you should ask yourself when you first start planning. 2. List the three places to get ideas for your writing project. 3. When you conduct research, you're looking for information from whom? 4. What are the benefits of conducting research? 5. How should you prepare before beginning research?

Answer :

1. List the questions you should ask yourself when you first start planning.

How should I do this? What sources should I use to do this project? Am I focused? Am I really paying attention to what the instructions are telling me to do? How should I start? What things should I put here to make the project more outstanding?

2. List the three places to get ideas for your writing project.

Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Britannica, Archieve, Oxford Academic, Academic Journals, etc.

3. When you conduct research, you're looking for information from whom?

I look for information from reliable sources such as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society who does careful reaserch and every subject they expose to the public. The Britannica offers a lot of information concerning history and people, and it is a reliable site that has many of peoples burning questions like: Who was Abraham Lincoln? What did he do? When did slavery end? And so many more things. Archive is a place where people upload conferences, pictures, books and manuscripts and you can see all this for free. It’s also a reliable site because you get your sources from books and manuscripts at no cost, it’s like a public library.

4. What are the benefits of conducting research?

When you conduct reaserch you gain more knowledge. Also, you get to open up your mentality and experience how your brain begins to enlarge. Another thing is that conducting research can help you in future projects that are more complex and sophisticated.

5. How should you prepare before beginning research?

First, always pray to God; at least that what helps me out the most. Secondly, prepare the mind. Always say to yourself that you will conduct research and be focused. Don’t listen to music or be distracted with anything else. Thirdly, have your mind free of any troubles. Relax and be free of any disturbances. A family issue, a heartbreak, etc can keep you from staying focused because you are worried on your own problems. So, try to have a clear mind and try to put away your troubles and remember that reaserch is important to expand your mind. It’s helps your intellectual state, it’s something you are doing for you.


1.What are the main points? Do you have enough points? Do you have too many points? What are you going to say about each point? What order are you going to use?

2.Looking at your own experiences; reading and observing, such as paying attention to current events; taking ideas from other people’s experience

3.Experts in the field of your topic  

4.You can confirm or back up your opinions with facts, and you will get more ideas to include in your writing.

5.Make a written list of the most important things you want to find out.
