Answer :
Type your answers to the questions below.
Are there more males or females in your group? Why do you think this is?
Who are the oldest and youngest members of your group? What is the average age of your participants? Who, if anyone, in your group is this exact age?
What is the average height of your group participants? Is any person in your group actually this height? If so, who is it? If not, why not?
What is the average weight of your group participants? Does this seem high or low to you? Why?
What is the most common eye color of your participants?
What is the most common pet?
Name one other characteristic you would have liked to include. What could this characteristic have told a reader about your group?
What mathematical concepts did you apply in this lesson?
How do you think having more participants would affect your data? Would more participants make your data more trustworthy? Why?
Staple your table, charts, and write-up together in order and submit them for evaluation.