Answer :
Letter to a newspaper editor about the declining rate of reading practice among students.
Subhash Nagar
New Delhi
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
12 March 2019
Dear Sir,
I am writing to you to bring attention to the issue of the declining nature of reading in students. As the world develops and becomes more advanced, so also is the case of the use of technology and the abandonment of textbooks in their physical form. Nowadays, children are only interested in the use of mobile phones, laptops, and tablets to do their studies, all through technology.
Moreover, there are also numerous videos and other mediums that make their work easier. Such things only lead to the abandonment of physical textbooks and notebooks, the use of which is drastically declining even now.
So, I would like to use your esteemed newspaper to bring to the public's attention this issue. Maybe, if school works need not be done through the internet, and if schools and academic works can be done using physical textbooks rather than pdf forms or videos, there is still some hope of keeping the practice of reading physical textbooks alive.
Also, if parents can encourage their children to read more from hardcopy textbooks rather than the pdf versions, and also help them in maintaining reading practices, be it subjects or even storybooks, that can help a long way in keeping the practice alive.
I hope that my points are made and that people can easily understand the issue that I am talking about.
Thank you.
Subhash Nagar