Answer :
Jane and Elsa are two friends who study Engineering in Delhi college. The conversation between two friends is as below,
Jane: Are you aware of the new exam policy? We will be allowed to carry books during exam as we will now have open book exams due to Corona pandemic.
Elsa: In my opinion open book exam are not worthy as students will not learn from books instead they will just remember the topics.
Jane: Well I find open book exam suitable because due to closure of universities there is already lapse of studies and in such situation a student cannot prepare for the exam in short time.
Elsa: Open book exam will create discrimination among students, those students who are good at remembering topic names and page number will score high instead of those students who learn everything from book. Knowledge of students passing out will be limited.
Jane: But no one knows the question paper right? Then how we can be sure about topics that will be tested in exam. We will have to go through entire book in any case.
Elsa: I think open book exams are only suitable for questions whose answer are not readily available nor they can be extracted from text book quickly. For Multiple Choice Questions and multiple type questions this strategy is not suitable. This strategy is only suitable for case studies.