Answer :
Exam V Psych 2317 Name: _____________________________
Attention: Read carefully each sentence and choose the best answer (2 points each)
1) While comparing a sample to a population, which design is appropriate?
A) One sample t test B) Related samples t-test C) Independent samples t-test D) ANOVA
2) While comparing two samples of different individuals, which research design is appropriate?
A) One sample t test B) Related samples t-test C) Independent samples t-test D) ANOVA
3) While comparing the same individuals two times, which research design is appropriate?
A) One sample t test B) Related samples t-test C) Independent samples t-test D) ANOVA
4) While comparing three samples of different individuals with an interest in one variable, which design is appropriate?
Attention: Read carefully each sentence and choose the best answer (2 points each)
1) While comparing a sample to a population, which design is appropriate?
A) One sample t test B) Related samples t-test C) Independent samples t-test D) ANOVA
2) While comparing two samples of different individuals, which research design is appropriate?
A) One sample t test B) Related samples t-test C) Independent samples t-test D) ANOVA
3) While comparing the same individuals two times, which research design is appropriate?
A) One sample t test B) Related samples t-test C) Independent samples t-test D) ANOVA
4) While comparing three samples of different individuals with an interest in one variable, which design is appropriate?